Monday, October 17, 2011

The Physicist's Alphabet

A = 6.02x10^23 -- Avagadro's constant
B = E/c -- Magnetic field equals the electric field divided by the speed of light
C = 299792458 m/s -- The speed of light
D = sqrt[(X-x)^2+(Y-y)^2)] -- The distance between points (x,y) and (X,Y)
E = mc^2 -- Mass-Energy relation
F = ma -- Force equals mass times acceleration
G = 9.8 m/s^2 -- Acceleration due to gravity on Earth
H = 6.626x10^-34 J s -- Planck's constant
I = V/R -- Current equals voltage divided by resistance
J = Newton*meter -- Joule (unit of energy)
K = 8.9875*10^9 N*m^2/c^2 -- Boltzmann's constant
L = m(v x r) -- Angular momentum equals mass times the cross product of the velocity and radius
M = (Y-y)/(X-x) -- Slope equals the rise over the run
N = kg*m/s^2 -- A Newton (N) is a kilogram meter per second squared
O = (0,0,0) -- The origin is usually designated as an "O"
P = mv -- Momentum equals mass times velocity
Q = c*m*(delta)T -- Heat loss/gained equals the specific heat times the mass times the change in Temperature
R = v/w -- Radius equals velocity divided by angular velocity
S = E x B -- The Poynting vector
T = 2(pi)*sqrt(L/g) -- The period of a simple harmonic oscillator
U = mgh -- Potential energy equals mass times gravitational acceleration times height
V = dx/dt -- Velocity equals the change in position over time
W = F*d -- Work equals force times distance
X = [-b / sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)]/2a -- The quadratic equation
Y = F(x) -- Y is a function of X
Z = (delta)(lambda)/(lambda) -- Redshift (the change in wavelength divided by the rest wavelength)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


WELLINGTON 15 Ogos - Penduduk New Zealand hari ini dikejutkan dengan keadaan cuaca pelik iaitu angin kuat yang datang dari Antartik dan membawa salji lebat turun di negara itu dan mengakibatkan penutupan jalan raya, lapangan terbang serta sekolah.

South Island merupakan kawasan yang paling teruk dilanda ribut tersebut tetapi ibu negara, Wellington di North Island menerima salji yang turun paling banyak dalam tempoh 40 tahun.

Ahli kaji cuaca memberi amaran cuaca akan bertambah buruk selepas ini kerana mereka menjangkakan salji akan turun dengan lebatnya di kawasan pergunungan di sekeliling Auckland, 66 kilometer ke arah utara.

Pihak berkuasa memberi amaran kepada orang ramai terutama yang tinggal di kawasan yang paling teruk untuk tidak keluar dari rumah mereka.

Kebanyakan jalan utama di South Island tidak dapat dilalui dan polis menutup dua lebuh raya utama yang menghubungkan Auckland dan Wellington.

Lapangan terbang di Christchurch, Queenstown dan Dunedin ditutup, menyebabkan 150 orang penumpang yang terkandas untuk tinggal semalaman di dalam lapangan terbang tersebut.

Cuaca pelik itu disifatkan sebagai ribut yang hanya berlaku sekali seumur hidup sahaja dan lebih banyak salji dijangka akan turun selepas ini sehingga hujung minggu ini.

Utusan Malaysia..

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Donuts in the Sky

A South Korean tank fires smoke shells during a joint military drill between South Korea and the US near the border with North Korea border. The exercises are aimed at deterring North Korea's military threat.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


16 Jun 2011.

Tercipta satu lagi sejarah kepada kita kerana masih berpeluang untuk menyaksikan satu lagi kebesaran Allah iaitu Gerhana Bulan ...
this five picture sequence shows various stages of a total lunar eclipse over Belgrade Serbia, between 20:30 and 21:30 local time on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The total lunar eclipse was visible throughout most parts of Europe on Wednesday evening. (AP Photo/ Marko Drobnjakovic)
In this 6-picture combo the Earth casts its shadow over the moon (beginning top left) in a Total Lunar Eclipse as seen Wednesday, June 15, 2011 in Tel Aviv, Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
A partial lunar eclipse is seen over the skies of Belgrade June 15, 2011. REUTERS/Marko Djurica (SERBIA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY)
A partially eclipsed moon rises in the sky over Moscow, Russia, 15 June 2011. A lunar eclipse comes when the sun, Earth and moon line up and Earth's shadow falls on the moon. It has been reported that this lunar eclipse will be the longest and darkest of this century. (Maxim Shipenkov/EPA)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Is all radiation harmful?

No. There are two types of radiation: non-ionizing and ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation includes infrared radiation, radio waves, cellphone radiation and the radiation we use to cook food in a microwave. Such radiation does not break chemical bonds. If it is very intense, it can heat up tissues; otherwise, it does not have significant effects. It is not believed to cause cancer. Ionizing radiation is much more dangerous because it does break chemical bonds and thus does cause cancer. Examples of this kind of radiation include X-rays, gamma rays and the alpha or beta particles emitted by radioactive elements as they decay.

What happens when someone is exposed to ionizing radiation?

That depends on how long you are exposed. The initial symptoms are identical to those suffered by a person undergoing radiation therapy for cancer. The first signs include nausea and fatigue, then vomiting. After that comes hair loss and diarrhea. For radiotherapy for tumors, the exposure generally stops after that point and the symptoms are controlled. But with heavier exposure, the next stage is generally destruction of the intestinal lining and worse diarrhea and dehydration, then central nervous system damage. After that comes loss of consciousness and, inevitably, death.

How does radiation released from nuclear plants compare with a nuclear bomb?

A nuclear explosion produces two types of radiation that has lethal effects. The blast itself produces X-rays and gamma rays that irradiate anyone near the site, usually with a lethal or near-lethal dose of radiation. Most of the 166,000 Japanese who died at Hiroshima in the first four months after the atomic bombing suffered from this type of radiation, which killed them directly or aggravated other injuries suffered in the blast. It also produces clouds of radioactive ash that includes cesium-137, iodine-131, radioactive strontium and a host of other long-lived byproducts of the explosion — known collectively as fallout. This material can collect on skin and clothing, where it can emit radiation that pierces the skin. More important, it can accumulate in food, milk, water and other products that are ingested. It is not clear how many Hiroshima residents died of cancer from this source, but some estimates put it at more than 100,000. Fukushima is not emitting gamma or X-irradiation. Most of the radioactivity is in the form of radiocesium and radioiodine, which are byproducts of the fission of uranium in the fuel rods.

What makes cesium-137 and iodine-131 dangerous?

Iodine-131 is absorbed preferentially in the thyroid gland, where it can cause tumors. It has a half-life of eight days and is most dangerous to children because it damages rapidly dividing cells. The problem can be substantially ameliorated by taking tablets of ordinary iodine, which bind to the thyroid and prevent the radioactive iodine from binding. Cesium-137, which has a half-life of 30 years, is more serious. It is a salt that acts like potassium and goes everywhere in the body. It is absorbed into soft tissues, causing sarcomas. It contaminates food, water and milk and gets into the body when those things are ingested. Contamination with cesium-137 is one of the main reasons large areas of land had to be abandoned in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

How much exposure is enough to make someone sick?

The biological risk of exposure to radiation is measured in sieverts, or Sv. An exposure of 500,000 microsieverts, or µSv, can lead to nausea and fatigue within hours. A dose of 750,000 µSv causes hair loss within two or three weeks, and a dose of 1 million µSv will cause hemorrhage. Death usually occurs at a dose of 4 million µSv. In terms of long-term effects, experts estimate that if 10,000 people were each exposed to 10,000 µSv of ionizing radiation in small doses over a lifetime, about five or six more people in the group would die of cancer than would be expected without the radiation exposure.

What were the health consequences of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island?

In the case of Chernobyl, United Nations reports have estimated that fewer than 50 people had died of causes directly related to radiation exposure. Most were rescue workers who had received high radiation doses; 28 died within the first few months. As many as 4,000 people are expected to eventually die of radiation-related causes. A 2005 report said about 4,000 thyroid cancers were directly related to radiation exposure, mostly in people who were children or adolescents at the time of the disaster and drank milk highly contaminated with radioactive iodine. At least nine died. To track the health fallout of the 1979 Three Mile Island disaster, the Pennsylvania Department of Health kept a registry of more than 30,000 people who lived within five miles of the site at the time. Finding little evidence of significantly changed cancer rates, it discontinued the database in 1997.

So how much radiation have people in Japan been exposed to? How risky is it?

The levels of exposure are unclear. Radiation levels were reported to have jumped to about 400,000 µSv per hour inside the Fukushima plant after an explosion Tuesday, although the levels subsided rapidly. Sustained exposure to this level of radiation would be extremely hazardous. Levels outside the plant would have been substantially lower. Civilians who have been exposed to radiation have been treated by simply getting their clothes washed and being given showers because the exposure has been so minimal. Workers in the plant will receive the highest exposure, but they are outfitted with full protective gear, wear radiation badges and work for shifts of only an hour or two at a time. According to news reports, radiation levels in Tokyo have been 10 times normal, which is still very low.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Radiasi dalam makanan Di Jepun

TOKYO: Air paip di Tokyo didapati mengandungi kadar iodin radioaktif dua kali lebih tinggi daripada yang dikira selamat untuk kanak-kanak. Tahap iodin radioaktif dalam paip air di pusat rawatan air pinggir Tokyo mendapati bekalan air yang disalurkan ke paip mengandungi 210 becquerels. Kadar itu melebihi dua kali had yang disarankan iaitu 100 becquerels seliter.
Bayi di Tokyo tidak seharusnya diberi minum air paip walaupun tahapnya tidak memberikan risiko pada kesihatan dengan serta merta kepada golongan dewasa. Radiasi turut menyerap dalam sayur, susu mentah, bekalan air dan air laut di kawasan sekeliling loji itu. SEORANG petani mencurah susu ke dalam lubang untuk ditimbus di daerah Itate, Fukushima selepas pihak berkuasa mendedahkan pencemaran radiasi dalam produk tenusu.
Brokoli turut termasuk dalam senarai sayur tercemar yang turut merangkumi bayam, bunga matahari dan canola. Penduduk di timur laut Jepun sebelum ini dinasihatkan supaya tidak minum air dari paip berikutan tahap iodin radioaktif tinggi yang boleh menyebabkan barah tiroid.
Pentadbiran Ubat dan Makanan Amerika Syarikat berkata mereka menghentikan pengimportan produk tenusu dan bahan mentah dari wilayah Fukushima.

Produk lain yang diimport dari Jepun termasuk makanan laut akan terus dijual kepada orang ramai tetapi perlu menjalani imbasan radiasi terlebih dulu.

Amerika mengimport kurang empat peratus makanan dari Jepun dan FDA berkata pihaknya tidak menjangka risiko radiasi terhadap bekalan makanan.
Tahap radiasi juga melebihi had selamat membabitkan 11 jenis sayur di kawasan sekitar loji nuklear Fukushima, selain susu dan air.

Jepun sudah menghentikan penghantaran makanan tertentu dari kawasan berkenaan dan meminta penduduk berhenti makan sayur berdaun.

Benar la Firman Allah...
FIRMAN Allah yang bermaksud: “Sudah timbul pelbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang dilakukan oleh tangan manusia. Timbulnya demikian kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan buruk yang mereka lakukan supaya mereka kembali insaf dan bertaubat.” (Surah al-Rum, ayat 41)

Sumber Berita Harian

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kisah Chernobyl - the ghost city

Letupan loji janakuasa kat Jepun mengingatkan malapetaka yang berlaku di Chernobyl. Ia terletak sebuah bandar bernama Pripyat, Ukraine (dulu dikenali sebagai Ukrainian SSR) . Malapetaka ini berlaku pada 26 April 1986, pukul 1.23 di Loji Janakuasa Nuklear Chernobyl, 25 tahun yang lalu. Letupan ini adalah yang kejadian yang paling teruk dalam sejarah loji janakuasa nuklear. Ia dikelaskan pada level 7 oleh International Nuclear Event Scale.
Loji Janakuasa Nuklear Chernobyl mempunyai 4 reaktor nuklear, setiap reaktor boleh menghasilkan 1 GW (1 gigawatt) kuasa electrik. Pada masa kejadian itu, 4 reaktor menghasilkan 10% kegunaan tenaga electrik di Ukraine. Janakuasa ini dibina pada tahun 1970-an. Punca sebenar kejadian ini sampai sekarang belum dikenalipasti. Ramai percaya malapetaka ini disebabkan oleh masalah teknikal dan kecacatan kobinasi rekabentuk reaktor

Pelepasan tenaga adalah setara 10 Hiroshima dan membunuh ribuan nyawa. Dianggarkan kematian 16 000 orang. Organisasi Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) menganggarkan 9000 terkorban akibat kesan radiasi. Organisasi Greenpeace menganggarkankan jumlah kematian melebihi 9000 orang dan boleh mencapai sehingga 93000 orang.
Letupan reaktor nuklear di Chernobyl telah mengakibatkan Chernobyl menjadi sebuah kota mati, berbahaya untuk dimasuki, tercemar dengan radiasi yang masih sangat aktif walaupun telah 25 tahun tragedi itu berlaku .Kecelakaan ini merupakan salah satu bencana nuklear yang terdahsyat sehingga kini. Untuk mereka yang selamat, penyakit-penyakit seperti leukemia (kanser darah), kanser paru-paru, kanser tiroid, kanser payudara, dan kanser organ lain boleh muncul kerana radiasi yang diterima.Ratusan dari ribuan mangsa berjaya selamatkan. PBB menganggarkan, seramai 7 juta orang masih hidup di wilayah bahaya di mana radiasi diluar lingkungan tahap selamat.
akibatnya, penyakit kanser dan mutasi genetik pada bayi yang baru lahir, kematian dalam jangka waktu yang diramalkan bagi para pekerja semasa membersihkan runtuhan ledakan di kota itu, mutasi genetik luar biasa turun temurun yang tersebar hampir ke sebagian dari wilayah Eropah.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nuclear Explosions

Jom kita tengok apa kesan radiasi nuclear kepada kita.

  • Pendedahan radiasi berukuran 100 Rems akan merosakkan sistem peredaran darah menyebabkan sel limfosit darah akan berkurangan. Simptom awal selesema.

  • Pendedahan kepada radiasi berukuran 200 Rems ke atas menyebabkan keguguran rambut dengan cepat, kerosakan saluran usus yang mengakibatkan mual, muntah dan cirit-birit. Pada kekuatan ini, radiasi boleh menyebabkan kerosakan saluran peranakan.

  • Radiasi nuklear berukuran 1,000 hingga 5,000 Rems mengakibatkan kerosakan kepada pembuluh darah dan boleh menyebabkan jantung gagal berfungsi dan kematian.

  • Pendedahan langsung kepada radiasi berukuran lebih 5,000 Rems akan menyebabkan sel otak rosak, selain membunuh sel saraf dan merosakkan pembuluh darah dalam jantung.

  • Dalam jumlah tertentu, iodin radioaktif boleh merosakkan sebahagian atau seluruh bahagian kelenjar tiroid yang mengawal metabolisma (pengeluaran tenaga) manusia.

  • Menurut data kesan pengeboman bom atom di Nagasaki dan Hiroshima menunjukkan mangsa cuma bertahan selama 10 tahun dan berdepan risiko jangka panjang seperti leukemia dan barah limfoma.

Sumber:Berita Harian

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tsunami Di Jepun

TOKYO, 11 Mac: Gempa bumi bermagnitud 8.9 pada skala richter melanda Jepun awal petang tadi mengakibatkan tsunami setinggi 10 meter melanda bebarapa bandar kawasan pantai negara itu.
Kejadian itu mengakibatkan banyak kes kecederaan, namun kes kematian masih belum diperolehi dari kawasan yang dilanda bencana di pulau Honshu.
Ombak setinggi 10 meter dilaporkan melanda Sendai di timur laut Miyagi, pulau Honshu mengakibatkan banyak kapal, kereta dan sisa runtuhan dihanyutkan ke kawasan bandar. Gempa bumi itu mengakibatkan gegaran kuat bangunan di Tokyo yang dihuni 30 juta penduduk. Gempa bumi berlaku pada jam 2.46 petang (0546 GMT) selama dua minit dengan gempa pertama kira-kira 400 kilometre di timur laut Tokyo, menurut US Geological Survey.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


What is a Wave?
So waves are everywhere. But what makes a wave a wave? What characteristics, properties, or behaviors are shared by the phenomena that we typically characterize as being a wave? How can waves be described in a manner that allows us to understand their basic nature and qualities?

A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location. Consider a slinky wave as an example of a wave. When the slinky is stretched from end to end and is held at rest, it assumes a natural position known as the equilibrium or rest position. The coils of the slinky naturally assume this position, spaced equally far apart. To introduce a wave into the slinky, the first particle is displaced or moved from its equilibrium or rest position. The particle might be moved upwards or downwards, forwards or backwards; but once moved, it is returned to its original equilibrium or rest position. The act of moving the first coil of the slinky in a given direction and then returning it to its equilibrium position creates a disturbance in the slinky. We can then observe this disturbance moving through the slinky from one end to the other. If the first coil of the slinky is given a single back-and-forth vibration, then we call the observed motion of the disturbance through the slinky a slinky pulse. A pulse is a single disturbance moving through a medium from one location to another location. However, if the first coil of the slinky is continuously and periodically vibrated in a back-and-forth manner, we would observe a repeating disturbance moving within the slinky that endures over some prolonged period of time. The repeating and periodic disturbance that moves through a medium from one location to another is referred to as a wave.

Friday, January 7, 2011

National Space Agency (ANGKASA) is proudly present to you a brand New program coming New Year 2011. This program is known as “Ideas for Try Zero G in Space”. The program is actually the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) educational program in the International Space Station (ISS). The purpose of this program is to show the difference of science phenomenon between 0G (in ISS) and 1G (on Earth) for educational purpose. Astronaut who stay in ISS will demonstrate the educational activity according to the experimental procedure proposed by teachers or students and it will be recorded by the High Definition video camera. The coming next Ideas for Try Zero G in Space experiments will be attempted by astronaut Furukawa during his long stay mission in Japanese experiment module, KIBO on the ISS around March 2011. Therefore ANGKASA & JAXA are working together to look for ideas from you!

How? Well, it’s easy, all you have to do is to come up with an idea (or perhaps more ideas) of the basic science experiment with some simple and easy understand explanation on its procedure as well as the expected outcome. The experiment must be simple, easy to understand by children and easy to be carried out by Japanese Astronaut Furukawa during his next long stay mission in Japanese experiment module, Kibo on the ISS. Then send us you ideas by filling up the application form (attach together with this email) and send it (via postal mail, email, fax or website) to ANGKASA by 25 January 2011 (Tuesday) before 5pm. I know time is too short but why not give it a try, who knows your ideas maybe selected for next year “Ideas for Try Zero G in Space”.

More details about this program can be found in “Ideas for Try Zero G in Space.pdf”. Please be informed that we are currently working on updating our website for the details information of this program with some useful links to the experimental videos recorded previously by JAXA. So stay tune and check up our website frequently for the next two or three to get more inspiration to create your own unique and novel ideas.

Please do not hesitate to contact me ( or my colleagues Mr. Jong Tze Kian ( or Ms Nur’ Fazilah ( if you have any queries.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Lau Chen Chen
Research Officer
National Space Agency (ANGKASA)
National Planetarium
Lot 53, Jalan Perdana
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03 – 2273 4303/ 5484 Fax : 03 – 2273 5488

Website :

The Physicist's Alphabet

A = 6.02x10^23 -- Avagadro's constant
B = E/c -- Magnetic field equals the electric field divided by the speed of light
C = 299792458 m/s -- The speed of light
D = sqrt[(X-x)^2+(Y-y)^2)] -- The distance between points (x,y) and (X,Y)
E = mc^2 -- Mass-Energy relation
F = ma -- Force equals mass times acceleration
G = 9.8 m/s^2 -- Acceleration due to gravity on Earth
H = 6.626x10^-34 J s -- Planck's constant
I = V/R -- Current equals voltage divided by resistance
J = Newton*meter -- Joule (unit of energy)
K = 8.9875*10^9 N*m^2/c^2 -- Boltzmann's constant
L = m(v x r) -- Angular momentum equals mass times the cross product of the velocity and radius
M = (Y-y)/(X-x) -- Slope equals the rise over the run
N = kg*m/s^2 -- A Newton (N) is a kilogram meter per second squared
O = (0,0,0) -- The origin is usually designated as an "O"
P = mv -- Momentum equals mass times velocity
Q = c*m*(delta)T -- Heat loss/gained equals the specific heat times the mass times the change in Temperature
R = v/w -- Radius equals velocity divided by angular velocity
S = E x B -- The Poynting vector
T = 2(pi)*sqrt(L/g) -- The period of a simple harmonic oscillator
U = mgh -- Potential energy equals mass times gravitational acceleration times height
V = dx/dt -- Velocity equals the change in position over time
W = F*d -- Work equals force times distance
X = [-b / sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)]/2a -- The quadratic equation
Y = F(x) -- Y is a function of X
Z = (delta)(lambda)/(lambda) -- Redshift (the change in wavelength divided by the rest wavelength)


WELLINGTON 15 Ogos - Penduduk New Zealand hari ini dikejutkan dengan keadaan cuaca pelik iaitu angin kuat yang datang dari Antartik dan membawa salji lebat turun di negara itu dan mengakibatkan penutupan jalan raya, lapangan terbang serta sekolah.

South Island merupakan kawasan yang paling teruk dilanda ribut tersebut tetapi ibu negara, Wellington di North Island menerima salji yang turun paling banyak dalam tempoh 40 tahun.

Ahli kaji cuaca memberi amaran cuaca akan bertambah buruk selepas ini kerana mereka menjangkakan salji akan turun dengan lebatnya di kawasan pergunungan di sekeliling Auckland, 66 kilometer ke arah utara.

Pihak berkuasa memberi amaran kepada orang ramai terutama yang tinggal di kawasan yang paling teruk untuk tidak keluar dari rumah mereka.

Kebanyakan jalan utama di South Island tidak dapat dilalui dan polis menutup dua lebuh raya utama yang menghubungkan Auckland dan Wellington.

Lapangan terbang di Christchurch, Queenstown dan Dunedin ditutup, menyebabkan 150 orang penumpang yang terkandas untuk tinggal semalaman di dalam lapangan terbang tersebut.

Cuaca pelik itu disifatkan sebagai ribut yang hanya berlaku sekali seumur hidup sahaja dan lebih banyak salji dijangka akan turun selepas ini sehingga hujung minggu ini.

Utusan Malaysia..

Donuts in the Sky

A South Korean tank fires smoke shells during a joint military drill between South Korea and the US near the border with North Korea border. The exercises are aimed at deterring North Korea's military threat.


16 Jun 2011.

Tercipta satu lagi sejarah kepada kita kerana masih berpeluang untuk menyaksikan satu lagi kebesaran Allah iaitu Gerhana Bulan ...
this five picture sequence shows various stages of a total lunar eclipse over Belgrade Serbia, between 20:30 and 21:30 local time on Wednesday, June 15, 2011. The total lunar eclipse was visible throughout most parts of Europe on Wednesday evening. (AP Photo/ Marko Drobnjakovic)
In this 6-picture combo the Earth casts its shadow over the moon (beginning top left) in a Total Lunar Eclipse as seen Wednesday, June 15, 2011 in Tel Aviv, Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
A partial lunar eclipse is seen over the skies of Belgrade June 15, 2011. REUTERS/Marko Djurica (SERBIA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY)
A partially eclipsed moon rises in the sky over Moscow, Russia, 15 June 2011. A lunar eclipse comes when the sun, Earth and moon line up and Earth's shadow falls on the moon. It has been reported that this lunar eclipse will be the longest and darkest of this century. (Maxim Shipenkov/EPA)


Is all radiation harmful?

No. There are two types of radiation: non-ionizing and ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation includes infrared radiation, radio waves, cellphone radiation and the radiation we use to cook food in a microwave. Such radiation does not break chemical bonds. If it is very intense, it can heat up tissues; otherwise, it does not have significant effects. It is not believed to cause cancer. Ionizing radiation is much more dangerous because it does break chemical bonds and thus does cause cancer. Examples of this kind of radiation include X-rays, gamma rays and the alpha or beta particles emitted by radioactive elements as they decay.

What happens when someone is exposed to ionizing radiation?

That depends on how long you are exposed. The initial symptoms are identical to those suffered by a person undergoing radiation therapy for cancer. The first signs include nausea and fatigue, then vomiting. After that comes hair loss and diarrhea. For radiotherapy for tumors, the exposure generally stops after that point and the symptoms are controlled. But with heavier exposure, the next stage is generally destruction of the intestinal lining and worse diarrhea and dehydration, then central nervous system damage. After that comes loss of consciousness and, inevitably, death.

How does radiation released from nuclear plants compare with a nuclear bomb?

A nuclear explosion produces two types of radiation that has lethal effects. The blast itself produces X-rays and gamma rays that irradiate anyone near the site, usually with a lethal or near-lethal dose of radiation. Most of the 166,000 Japanese who died at Hiroshima in the first four months after the atomic bombing suffered from this type of radiation, which killed them directly or aggravated other injuries suffered in the blast. It also produces clouds of radioactive ash that includes cesium-137, iodine-131, radioactive strontium and a host of other long-lived byproducts of the explosion — known collectively as fallout. This material can collect on skin and clothing, where it can emit radiation that pierces the skin. More important, it can accumulate in food, milk, water and other products that are ingested. It is not clear how many Hiroshima residents died of cancer from this source, but some estimates put it at more than 100,000. Fukushima is not emitting gamma or X-irradiation. Most of the radioactivity is in the form of radiocesium and radioiodine, which are byproducts of the fission of uranium in the fuel rods.

What makes cesium-137 and iodine-131 dangerous?

Iodine-131 is absorbed preferentially in the thyroid gland, where it can cause tumors. It has a half-life of eight days and is most dangerous to children because it damages rapidly dividing cells. The problem can be substantially ameliorated by taking tablets of ordinary iodine, which bind to the thyroid and prevent the radioactive iodine from binding. Cesium-137, which has a half-life of 30 years, is more serious. It is a salt that acts like potassium and goes everywhere in the body. It is absorbed into soft tissues, causing sarcomas. It contaminates food, water and milk and gets into the body when those things are ingested. Contamination with cesium-137 is one of the main reasons large areas of land had to be abandoned in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

How much exposure is enough to make someone sick?

The biological risk of exposure to radiation is measured in sieverts, or Sv. An exposure of 500,000 microsieverts, or µSv, can lead to nausea and fatigue within hours. A dose of 750,000 µSv causes hair loss within two or three weeks, and a dose of 1 million µSv will cause hemorrhage. Death usually occurs at a dose of 4 million µSv. In terms of long-term effects, experts estimate that if 10,000 people were each exposed to 10,000 µSv of ionizing radiation in small doses over a lifetime, about five or six more people in the group would die of cancer than would be expected without the radiation exposure.

What were the health consequences of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island?

In the case of Chernobyl, United Nations reports have estimated that fewer than 50 people had died of causes directly related to radiation exposure. Most were rescue workers who had received high radiation doses; 28 died within the first few months. As many as 4,000 people are expected to eventually die of radiation-related causes. A 2005 report said about 4,000 thyroid cancers were directly related to radiation exposure, mostly in people who were children or adolescents at the time of the disaster and drank milk highly contaminated with radioactive iodine. At least nine died. To track the health fallout of the 1979 Three Mile Island disaster, the Pennsylvania Department of Health kept a registry of more than 30,000 people who lived within five miles of the site at the time. Finding little evidence of significantly changed cancer rates, it discontinued the database in 1997.

So how much radiation have people in Japan been exposed to? How risky is it?

The levels of exposure are unclear. Radiation levels were reported to have jumped to about 400,000 µSv per hour inside the Fukushima plant after an explosion Tuesday, although the levels subsided rapidly. Sustained exposure to this level of radiation would be extremely hazardous. Levels outside the plant would have been substantially lower. Civilians who have been exposed to radiation have been treated by simply getting their clothes washed and being given showers because the exposure has been so minimal. Workers in the plant will receive the highest exposure, but they are outfitted with full protective gear, wear radiation badges and work for shifts of only an hour or two at a time. According to news reports, radiation levels in Tokyo have been 10 times normal, which is still very low.

Radiasi dalam makanan Di Jepun

TOKYO: Air paip di Tokyo didapati mengandungi kadar iodin radioaktif dua kali lebih tinggi daripada yang dikira selamat untuk kanak-kanak. Tahap iodin radioaktif dalam paip air di pusat rawatan air pinggir Tokyo mendapati bekalan air yang disalurkan ke paip mengandungi 210 becquerels. Kadar itu melebihi dua kali had yang disarankan iaitu 100 becquerels seliter.
Bayi di Tokyo tidak seharusnya diberi minum air paip walaupun tahapnya tidak memberikan risiko pada kesihatan dengan serta merta kepada golongan dewasa. Radiasi turut menyerap dalam sayur, susu mentah, bekalan air dan air laut di kawasan sekeliling loji itu. SEORANG petani mencurah susu ke dalam lubang untuk ditimbus di daerah Itate, Fukushima selepas pihak berkuasa mendedahkan pencemaran radiasi dalam produk tenusu.
Brokoli turut termasuk dalam senarai sayur tercemar yang turut merangkumi bayam, bunga matahari dan canola. Penduduk di timur laut Jepun sebelum ini dinasihatkan supaya tidak minum air dari paip berikutan tahap iodin radioaktif tinggi yang boleh menyebabkan barah tiroid.
Pentadbiran Ubat dan Makanan Amerika Syarikat berkata mereka menghentikan pengimportan produk tenusu dan bahan mentah dari wilayah Fukushima.

Produk lain yang diimport dari Jepun termasuk makanan laut akan terus dijual kepada orang ramai tetapi perlu menjalani imbasan radiasi terlebih dulu.

Amerika mengimport kurang empat peratus makanan dari Jepun dan FDA berkata pihaknya tidak menjangka risiko radiasi terhadap bekalan makanan.
Tahap radiasi juga melebihi had selamat membabitkan 11 jenis sayur di kawasan sekitar loji nuklear Fukushima, selain susu dan air.

Jepun sudah menghentikan penghantaran makanan tertentu dari kawasan berkenaan dan meminta penduduk berhenti makan sayur berdaun.

Benar la Firman Allah...
FIRMAN Allah yang bermaksud: “Sudah timbul pelbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang dilakukan oleh tangan manusia. Timbulnya demikian kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan buruk yang mereka lakukan supaya mereka kembali insaf dan bertaubat.” (Surah al-Rum, ayat 41)

Sumber Berita Harian

Kisah Chernobyl - the ghost city

Letupan loji janakuasa kat Jepun mengingatkan malapetaka yang berlaku di Chernobyl. Ia terletak sebuah bandar bernama Pripyat, Ukraine (dulu dikenali sebagai Ukrainian SSR) . Malapetaka ini berlaku pada 26 April 1986, pukul 1.23 di Loji Janakuasa Nuklear Chernobyl, 25 tahun yang lalu. Letupan ini adalah yang kejadian yang paling teruk dalam sejarah loji janakuasa nuklear. Ia dikelaskan pada level 7 oleh International Nuclear Event Scale.
Loji Janakuasa Nuklear Chernobyl mempunyai 4 reaktor nuklear, setiap reaktor boleh menghasilkan 1 GW (1 gigawatt) kuasa electrik. Pada masa kejadian itu, 4 reaktor menghasilkan 10% kegunaan tenaga electrik di Ukraine. Janakuasa ini dibina pada tahun 1970-an. Punca sebenar kejadian ini sampai sekarang belum dikenalipasti. Ramai percaya malapetaka ini disebabkan oleh masalah teknikal dan kecacatan kobinasi rekabentuk reaktor

Pelepasan tenaga adalah setara 10 Hiroshima dan membunuh ribuan nyawa. Dianggarkan kematian 16 000 orang. Organisasi Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) menganggarkan 9000 terkorban akibat kesan radiasi. Organisasi Greenpeace menganggarkankan jumlah kematian melebihi 9000 orang dan boleh mencapai sehingga 93000 orang.
Letupan reaktor nuklear di Chernobyl telah mengakibatkan Chernobyl menjadi sebuah kota mati, berbahaya untuk dimasuki, tercemar dengan radiasi yang masih sangat aktif walaupun telah 25 tahun tragedi itu berlaku .Kecelakaan ini merupakan salah satu bencana nuklear yang terdahsyat sehingga kini. Untuk mereka yang selamat, penyakit-penyakit seperti leukemia (kanser darah), kanser paru-paru, kanser tiroid, kanser payudara, dan kanser organ lain boleh muncul kerana radiasi yang diterima.Ratusan dari ribuan mangsa berjaya selamatkan. PBB menganggarkan, seramai 7 juta orang masih hidup di wilayah bahaya di mana radiasi diluar lingkungan tahap selamat.
akibatnya, penyakit kanser dan mutasi genetik pada bayi yang baru lahir, kematian dalam jangka waktu yang diramalkan bagi para pekerja semasa membersihkan runtuhan ledakan di kota itu, mutasi genetik luar biasa turun temurun yang tersebar hampir ke sebagian dari wilayah Eropah.

Nuclear Explosions


Jom kita tengok apa kesan radiasi nuclear kepada kita.

  • Pendedahan radiasi berukuran 100 Rems akan merosakkan sistem peredaran darah menyebabkan sel limfosit darah akan berkurangan. Simptom awal selesema.

  • Pendedahan kepada radiasi berukuran 200 Rems ke atas menyebabkan keguguran rambut dengan cepat, kerosakan saluran usus yang mengakibatkan mual, muntah dan cirit-birit. Pada kekuatan ini, radiasi boleh menyebabkan kerosakan saluran peranakan.

  • Radiasi nuklear berukuran 1,000 hingga 5,000 Rems mengakibatkan kerosakan kepada pembuluh darah dan boleh menyebabkan jantung gagal berfungsi dan kematian.

  • Pendedahan langsung kepada radiasi berukuran lebih 5,000 Rems akan menyebabkan sel otak rosak, selain membunuh sel saraf dan merosakkan pembuluh darah dalam jantung.

  • Dalam jumlah tertentu, iodin radioaktif boleh merosakkan sebahagian atau seluruh bahagian kelenjar tiroid yang mengawal metabolisma (pengeluaran tenaga) manusia.

  • Menurut data kesan pengeboman bom atom di Nagasaki dan Hiroshima menunjukkan mangsa cuma bertahan selama 10 tahun dan berdepan risiko jangka panjang seperti leukemia dan barah limfoma.

Sumber:Berita Harian

Tsunami Di Jepun

TOKYO, 11 Mac: Gempa bumi bermagnitud 8.9 pada skala richter melanda Jepun awal petang tadi mengakibatkan tsunami setinggi 10 meter melanda bebarapa bandar kawasan pantai negara itu.
Kejadian itu mengakibatkan banyak kes kecederaan, namun kes kematian masih belum diperolehi dari kawasan yang dilanda bencana di pulau Honshu.
Ombak setinggi 10 meter dilaporkan melanda Sendai di timur laut Miyagi, pulau Honshu mengakibatkan banyak kapal, kereta dan sisa runtuhan dihanyutkan ke kawasan bandar. Gempa bumi itu mengakibatkan gegaran kuat bangunan di Tokyo yang dihuni 30 juta penduduk. Gempa bumi berlaku pada jam 2.46 petang (0546 GMT) selama dua minit dengan gempa pertama kira-kira 400 kilometre di timur laut Tokyo, menurut US Geological Survey.



What is a Wave?
So waves are everywhere. But what makes a wave a wave? What characteristics, properties, or behaviors are shared by the phenomena that we typically characterize as being a wave? How can waves be described in a manner that allows us to understand their basic nature and qualities?

A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location. Consider a slinky wave as an example of a wave. When the slinky is stretched from end to end and is held at rest, it assumes a natural position known as the equilibrium or rest position. The coils of the slinky naturally assume this position, spaced equally far apart. To introduce a wave into the slinky, the first particle is displaced or moved from its equilibrium or rest position. The particle might be moved upwards or downwards, forwards or backwards; but once moved, it is returned to its original equilibrium or rest position. The act of moving the first coil of the slinky in a given direction and then returning it to its equilibrium position creates a disturbance in the slinky. We can then observe this disturbance moving through the slinky from one end to the other. If the first coil of the slinky is given a single back-and-forth vibration, then we call the observed motion of the disturbance through the slinky a slinky pulse. A pulse is a single disturbance moving through a medium from one location to another location. However, if the first coil of the slinky is continuously and periodically vibrated in a back-and-forth manner, we would observe a repeating disturbance moving within the slinky that endures over some prolonged period of time. The repeating and periodic disturbance that moves through a medium from one location to another is referred to as a wave.

National Space Agency (ANGKASA) is proudly present to you a brand New program coming New Year 2011. This program is known as “Ideas for Try Zero G in Space”. The program is actually the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) educational program in the International Space Station (ISS). The purpose of this program is to show the difference of science phenomenon between 0G (in ISS) and 1G (on Earth) for educational purpose. Astronaut who stay in ISS will demonstrate the educational activity according to the experimental procedure proposed by teachers or students and it will be recorded by the High Definition video camera. The coming next Ideas for Try Zero G in Space experiments will be attempted by astronaut Furukawa during his long stay mission in Japanese experiment module, KIBO on the ISS around March 2011. Therefore ANGKASA & JAXA are working together to look for ideas from you!

How? Well, it’s easy, all you have to do is to come up with an idea (or perhaps more ideas) of the basic science experiment with some simple and easy understand explanation on its procedure as well as the expected outcome. The experiment must be simple, easy to understand by children and easy to be carried out by Japanese Astronaut Furukawa during his next long stay mission in Japanese experiment module, Kibo on the ISS. Then send us you ideas by filling up the application form (attach together with this email) and send it (via postal mail, email, fax or website) to ANGKASA by 25 January 2011 (Tuesday) before 5pm. I know time is too short but why not give it a try, who knows your ideas maybe selected for next year “Ideas for Try Zero G in Space”.

More details about this program can be found in “Ideas for Try Zero G in Space.pdf”. Please be informed that we are currently working on updating our website for the details information of this program with some useful links to the experimental videos recorded previously by JAXA. So stay tune and check up our website frequently for the next two or three to get more inspiration to create your own unique and novel ideas.

Please do not hesitate to contact me ( or my colleagues Mr. Jong Tze Kian ( or Ms Nur’ Fazilah ( if you have any queries.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Lau Chen Chen
Research Officer
National Space Agency (ANGKASA)
National Planetarium
Lot 53, Jalan Perdana
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 03 – 2273 4303/ 5484 Fax : 03 – 2273 5488

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